The following documents have to be uploaded by International applicants along-with the Online application. All the files have to be saved/ named with your first name and the document type. For e.g, If Sam, is uploading his Passport, Bonafide certificate, Proof of Income - the documents will be named as follows'
File Type and Size:
a) Degree/ Other Certificates - PDF - 512kb
b) Photograph - In JPG,JPEG/PNG - 113 * 170 Pixels
c) Signature - In JPG,JPEG/PNG) - 302 * 132 Pixels
For BA students
Mandatory - Copy of the Degree and Academic Transcripts (SSC/ HSC/ Graduate etc) - if it is not in English, attach a copy translated in English)
Mandatory - Proof of Nationality - Scanned Passport Document
Mandatory - Latest Photograph – JPEG format
Mandatory - Scanned copy of the Signature (in black or blue pen) – JPEG format
Mandatory - Proof of Income/ Proof of funds/ Scholarship (if applicable)
Mandatory - A typed copy of the Statement of Interest (in English) [in about 1500 words for each applied programme OR Note on Why are you Interested in applying for this particular BA Programme?
Mandatory - Attach 2 Reference Letters (One preferably from last/ current University faculty)
Mandatory -Attach a document of your current assessment system in English (if the applicant has studied in a non-English speaking Country)
Optional - Bonafide Certificate issued by your college, if you are pursuing final year (10+2)
Optional - Work Experience Certificate/ No Objection Certificate from the Current Employer (if applicable)
Optional - English Language Proficiency Certificate (IELTS/ TOFEL)/ Letter from your University for English Language Skills for students coming from Non-English Speaking Countries
Optional - Documents supporting your NRI/ PIO and OCI status (if applicable)
Optional - Copy of Visa (if applicants are already studying/working in India)
Optional - Any other relevant document
For MA Students
Mandatory - Copy of the Degree and Academic Transcripts (SSC/ HSC/ Graduate/ Post Graduate/ Diploma etc) - if it is not in English, attach a copy translated in English)
Mandatory - Proof of Nationality - Scanned Passport Document
Mandatory - Latest Photograph – JPEG format
Mandatory - Scanned copy of the Signature (in black or blue pen) – JPEG format
Mandatory - Income proof/ Proof of funds/ Scholarship (if any)
Mandatory - A typed copy of the Statement of Interest (in English) [in about 1500 words for each applied programme OR Note on Why are you Interested in applying for this particular M.A/ M.SC. Programme?
Mandatory - Attach 2 Reference Letters (One preferably from last/ current University faculty)
Optional - Bonafide Certificate issued by your college, if you are pursuing final year degree (Bachelors)
Optional - English Language Proficiency Certificate (IELTS/ TOFEL)/ Letter from your University for English Language Skills for students coming from Non-English Speaking Countries
Optional - Work Experience Certificate/ No Objection Certificate from the Current Employer
Optional - Attach a document of your current assessment system in English (if the applicant has studied in a non-English speaking Country)
Optional - Documents supporting your NRI/ PIO and OCI status (if applicable)
Optional - Copy of Visa (if applicants are already studying/working in India)
Ph.D. Programme:
Mandatory - Copy of the Degree and Academic Transcripts (SSC/ HSC/ Graduate/ Post Graduate/ Diploma etc) - if it is not in English, attach a copy translated in English)
Mandatory - Proof of Nationality - Scanned Passport Document
Mandatory - Latest Photograph – JPEG format
Mandatory - Scanned copy of the Signature (in black or blue pen) – JPEG format
Mandatory - Income proof/ Proof of funds/ Scholarship (if any)
Mandatory - A typed copy of Statement of Interest in English (1500 words for each applied programme)
Mandatory - Research Proposal - A typed copy of the research proposal with title (in English) [in about 2,000 words] on the proposed area of study in the following format should be sent along with other documents
(a) Specification of the broad field of study.
(b) Introduction to the specific problem of interest (Current issues, importance and rationale for the study).
(c) Research/ Work experience in that area, if you have any.
(d) Reading that you have done in this area of interest.
(e) Objectives, methods, and scope of the proposed study.
Mandatory - Work Experience Certificate/ No Objection Certificate from the Current Employer (min. 5 years of work experience in the relevant field is mandatory for the Direct Ph.D. applicants).
Mandatory - Attach 2 Reference Letters (One preferably from last/ current University faculty)
Optional - Bonafide Certificate issued by your college, if you are pursuing final year degree (Masters / MPhil)
Optional - English Language Proficiency Certificate (IELTS/ TOFEL)/ Letter from your University for English Language Skills for students coming from Non-English Speaking Countries
Optional - Attach a document of your current assessment system in English
Optional - Documents supporting your NRI/ PIO and OCI status (if applicable)
Optional - Copy of Visa (if applicants are already studying/working in India)