
Tata Institute of Social Sciences

PG Programmes



This is to inform you that we have completed a detailed verification of all the PI and OPI marks and found no calculation or conversion errors in any programmes other than Master of MA in Applied Psychology (with Specialisation in Clinical and Counselling Practice)-Mumbai, Media and Cultural Studies-Mumbai and Library and Information Science-Mumbai. The marks of personal interview held between 12-16 March at Mumbai campus for the above programmes have been converted appropriately and additional candidates included, based on their fresh scores. This list will be published on or before 31st July 2020. The delay in announcing the list due to unavailability of staff owing to Covid 19 pandemic is regretted.

This is to reiterate that there is no calculation, conversion or software issue in the admission system. Programs in which conversion problems were detected, necessary rectifications have been made, and the merit list has been revised.

We would assure you that all candidates selected so far will have their seats secured and will be able to join the programme by paying the required fees and uploading the mandatory documents, provided they fulfil all the eligibility requirements as per the admission notification.

We are receiving several mails from candidates assuming that there is some error in calculation or conversions in marks for Personal Interview. The nature of queries includes;

  • Requests for verification of individual marks
  • Suggesting a marking error
  • Having differential Interview marks of different programmes
  • Disparity between PI and OPI marks
  • Category change in the result etc.

We would like to inform you the following

  1. All marks have been physically verified and found that all marks given by the panels and that reflecting in the system, are exactly the same as given by Panel members
  2. Marks given in Personal Interview held in Mumbai campus from 12 -16 March were given out of 75 marks (except for the three programmes mentioned above which has been rectified)
  3. Personal Interview marks as in point no. 2 above are converted to 100 for calculation of the weighted score.
  4. The TISS NET and PI/OPI marks are aggregated in 60:40 ratio to arrive at the final score
  5. For MA Human Resource Management and Labour Relations and MA in Organisation Development and Change the Marks aggregation is done for TISS NET, TISS MAT and PI/OPI in the ratio 40:20:40
  6. Interviews for different programmes are conducted by different panels constituted of faculty members from the programme and given marks on the basis of their assessment of each of the candidate for their suitability for the respective programmes. Hence the comparison of the score for one programme with that of another programme is not logical.
  7. There is no category change permitted in the admission process. However all candidates, irrespective of their category are checked first for their position in the general merit list as per the UGC and Government of India guidelines on the matter. After the seats are filled under the General (unreserved) category, separate lists are drawn for each of the categories such as SC, ST, OBC, EWS etc.
  8. Unfilled seats under OBC category are filled by candidates from General Category as per the relevant reservation rules. In such cases, the candidates under general category will be shown as selected under OBC. However, vacant seats in SC or ST shall not be filled by any other category.
  9. Supernumerary seats such as PWD, Kashmiri Migrants, Armed Forces are seats over and above the total intake and filled as per regulation to that effect.
  10. Under Armed Forces Category, inter-se priorities are applied while selecting the candidates.

Due to the large number of mails received at the individual replies were not possible, and explanation such as this one, could not be issued as quickly as we would have liked to. Having clarified the above, we request the candidates to look for their final results in the admission website. Candidates are hereby advised not to send mails for checking their individual scores or for matters clarified above.

Further, candidates are hereby informed that mails regarding admissions sent to email IDs of any other officials of TISS will not be monitored and will not be responded to. If some candidates continue to do so it will be considered as violation of the admissions guidelines.

MA 2020 Admissions Team