TISS–Parzor Online Certificate Programme in Cultural & Heritage Studies | Admissions, TISS


Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Nirantar: An Academy of Continuing Education Programmes Admissions

Programme Details

TISS–Parzor Online Certificate Programme in Cultural & Heritage Studies

Location: Mumbai

Intake: 50


Eligibility to apply for the programme

Candidate should be 18 years or older and should either have completed a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline or be presently enrolled in any under-graduate programme. Exceptions to the above may be considered at the discretion of the admission team.




Please note that the above link is for Indian Students for applying.


'Indian Applicants who are unable to complete the Online Application at the above link, can alternatively fill-in the following Application Form and email it along with the list of enclosures to tiss.parzor@gmail.com.


Application_Form_for_Indian_Applicants - TISS-Parzor.doc

In case of any difficulty while filling the application form, contact at the following phone number +91 8007999490 and we will be able to assist you.'



The above form is for International students applying for the said programme.

The completed application form along with the list of enclosures should be emailed to international.admissions@tiss.edu.


Location: Online Programme conducted from the TISS Mumbai Campus

Duration: 10 months



Notification for (2024-25) admission (Advertisement schedule/website display)

August 2024

Last date of submission of online application form 

September 13, 2024

Last date for completing admission procedure including 10-days time for paying the fee


Commencement of Certificate Programme

September 16, 2024

Tentative conclusion of Programme

June-July 2025

 ** All dates mentioned above are provisional and subject to change.


About TISS

The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) was established in 1936 as the Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work. In 1944, it was renamed as the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. The year 1964 was an important landmark in the history of the Institute, when it was declared Deemed to be a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act (UGC), 1956. Since its inception, the Vision of the TISS has been to be an institution of excellence in higher education that continually responds to changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards creating a people-centred, ecologically sustainable and just society that promotes and protects dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all.


About Parzor Foundation

The Parzor Foundation, created under the aegis of UNESCO in 1999, specializes in holistic preservation and promotion of Parsi Zoroastrian culture. Over the last 25 years, it has disseminated knowledge about Zoroastrian contributions to world culture, history, philosophy, ecology, symbolism, art and craft, and has endeavoured to prevent this rich Bronze-age Culture from being lost to humanity.


Parzor and TISS have worked together for almost 20 years and continue to collaborate on demographic and other social projects. Several academics from TISS have worked closely with Parzor on community-based projects gaining valuable insights for sharing with the world. Parzor and TISS signed an MOU in August 2022 with the goal to offer the first systematic programme of study on Parsi Zoroastrian Culture and Heritage within an academic institution.


TISS-Parzor Academic Programme Details

The academic programme on Parsi Zoroastrian Culture & Heritage aims to advance the understanding of the community and diverse perspectives through academic frameworks provided by history, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, economics and philosophy.

The courses will be taught by a combination of resident faculty members and guest lecturers from institutes across the globe, who are subject experts in the field of Zoroastrian Studies. The programme will also tap into young researchers and professionals in emerging and specialized fields, guided by those who have spent a lifetime in protecting this heritage. This Programme will add value to the study of the Humanities, and appeal to young students across disciplines, who wish to explore new ideas while earning credits for the coursework towards their diploma or degree. The programme will highlight how an ancient culture has remained relevant through modern ideas, and discuss pertinent issues such as Environment, Pollution, Demographics, Migration, Diasporas, Global Cultures, Continuity and Change.


Objectives of the Programme:

Make the Parsi Zoroastrian perspective known to a generation which has not been exposed to this culture.

Encourage the study and preservation of tangible and intangible forms of a heritage of humanity in need of preservation.

Enable students to develop a unique understanding of cultures and communities through the core and elective courses.

Explain the core customs and rituals that form the heart of Zoroastrianism vis-a-vis the current ecological scenario.

Encourage the study of Central Asian cultures as a sister cultural sphere with India.

Provide access to a digital resource platform of rare Zoroastrian texts and artefacts.

Showcase crafts and customs in traditional and AV formats from Parzor Foundation’s archives to understand symbols and a continuity of culture, and enable further research on this cultural heritage.


Distribution of Credit Hours:

Course Structure:

The 20-credit Certificate Programme offers multiple courses from different tracks, each worth 2 credits. Students are required to complete the compulsory Foundation Course on Philosophy, History & Culture and choose from ten Elective Courses across five different tracks, viz. Languages, Literature, History, Art & Culture, and Contemporary Studies of Parsi-Zoroastrianism. For successful completion of the Certificate, a student needs to accumulate 20 credits from the coursework and submit either a Research Paper worth 2 credits or complete a Dissertation / Field Study worth 4 credits.

The courses will be offered sequentially starting with the Foundation Course in September 2024, followed by the elective courses. Each 2-credit course will comprise 30 hours of learning time, which will be a combination of live teaching, tutorials, discussion sessions and engagement with the course material. There will be 2-3 class sessions per week, and each course will be completed in roughly 6-8 weeks.


Tentative time-table for the programme:


Start date


Introductory week


1 week

Foundation Course


6 weeks

Electives 1, 2


6-8 weeks

Electives 3, 4


6-8 weeks

Electives 5, 6


6-8 weeks

Electives 7, 8


6-8 weeks

Electives 9, 10


6-8 weeks

Fieldwork / Dissertation


4-8 weeks



Semesterwise Courses:

Course Syllabus:

The Courses offered are detailed below:

Course Type

Course Name

Number of Credits

Compulsory Course

 Foundation Course

Philosophy, History & Culture

2 credits

Elective Courses

Elective Module-1: Language & Tradition

Oral Tradition, Ecology and Rituals

Introduction to Avestan







Any 7 or 8 electives of 2 credits each = 14 / 16 credits

Elective Module-2: Parsi Literature

Parsi Literature in English

Parsi Gujarati & Persian Literature

Elective Module-3: Historical Perspectives

History, Archaeology and Heritage

Print History & Journalism

Elective Module-4: Contemporary Studies

Parsis and Modern India

Parsi Demographics

Elective Module-5: Arts, Architecture & Material Culture

Material Culture: Arts, Crafts & Architecture

Parsi Theatre & Performing Arts

Research Paper / Dissertation

2 / 4 credits

Overall Certificate programme requirement:

1 core course + 7/8 elective courses + Research Paper / Dissertation


20 credits



Modular Option:

Candidates who are unable to pursue the complete Certificate Programme of 20-credits, but are interested in pursuing individual courses, can opt for the modular option. Here, a candidate can register for individual courses by paying the fees for the number of courses selected. There will be a rolling window for enrolment for the individual courses before the start of the respective courses. The candidates successfully completing the requirements of the course will receive a Completion Certificate from TISS.


Online Teaching using the TISS Online Platform (TISSOL)

All courses will be conducted online through the TISS Online Platform called TISSOL. All teaching notes and other course material will be uploaded and be accessible on this platform. In order to access the platform, the students will be provided with a login ID and password, granting them access to course texts and audio-visual material, assignment topics, assessments, etc. Adequate training will be provided to ensure students can navigate the platform comfortably. Assignments, assessments and research project documents are to be uploaded to TISSOL as required by the program. The course coordinator will stay in communication with both course teachers and students to ensure the smooth uploading and downloading of materials.


Course Evaluation:

Each individual course will have its independent evaluation criteria as determined by the course convener. The students are expected to maintain regular attendance and complete periodical assessments as well as comprehensive examinations.


Fee Structure:

Fee Structure:

The total fee for the Certificate programme is Rs. 60,000.00 (Rupees Sixty Thousand only) payable at the time of admission. The amount includes the components of tuition fee, examination fee, library and IT charges, development fund contribution and caution deposit. Payments can be done online using the different payment modes available.


The fee breakup is given below:


Fee breakup

Amount (Rs.)


Tuition fee

35 000

Examination fee

2 000


Dissertation / Study Supervision

10 000

IT Charges

2 000

Library / Online material charges

1 000

Other (ID, Platform access, Certificate, etc.)

2 500


Development fund

4 000

Alumni fund



Caution deposit

3 000


Total Programme fee

60 000


Scholarships in the form of a partial fee waiver are available for meritorious / deserving candidates who pursue the complete Certificate Programme. Those who wish to avail of the scholarship need to write a 300-word application describing their motivation to pursue the programme and outlining their requirement / eligibility for the scholarship, and send it to following email - tiss.parzor@gmail.com.


The course fee for the modular option is Rs. 7,500.00 (Rupees Seven Thousand Five Hundred) per individual course. The candidates opting for the modular option will receive a course completion certificate from TISS upon successfully meeting the course requirements.


International Applicants

The international applications will be handled by the TISS Office of International Affairs (OIA). All international applicants will be charged an application and admission processing fee of US$ 70.

In addition, international applicants will be charged a tuition fee mark-up between 20% and 50% depending on their country of residence, as follows

High Income Economies: 50% higher than the fees charged to Indian students

Upper Middle Income Economies:40% higher than the fees charged to Indian students

Lower Middle Income Economies: 30% higher than the fees charged to Indian students

BIMSTEC (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand) / Low Income Economies: 20% higher than the fees charged to Indian students

The processing fee and the tuition fee mark-up will be applicable for admission to both the complete Certificate Programme or to individual courses in the modular option. Details regarding the fees for international applicants can be viewed at https://admissions.tiss.edu/view/6/admissions/international-students/pagect-26/.


Admission Process:

Candidates are required to apply online through the e-application portal at https://nirantar.tiss.edu/. The candidates will be required to create their profile and upload the necessary documents as part of the application process. In case of any difficulty in applying online, contact the Program Coordinator at tiss.parzor@gmail.com.


Selection Process:

The shortlisted candidates will be intimated by email, and may be called for an online interview. Communication regarding the interview details, including the date and time, will be sent by email. The list of selected candidates will be posted on the Institute's website within two weeks after the interview.


Award of Programme Certificate:

Upon successful completion of all requirements, students will be conferred the TISS–Parzor Certificate in Cultural & Heritage Studies.


Questions regarding the TISS-Parzor Certificate Programme may be sent to the following address:

Dean, Academic Affairs, Nirantar – an Academy of Continuing Education,

Tata Institute of Social Sciences

V.N. Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088