Diploma in Youth Leadership and Social Change (Exit option at Certificate Level) | Admissions, TISS


Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Nirantar: An Academy of Continuing Education Programmes Admissions

Programme Details

Diploma in Youth Leadership and Social Change (Exit option at Certificate Level)

Location: Mumbai

School: School of Social Work - Mumbai Campus

Intake: 40



Eligibility for Enrolment

Education: Minimum Std. XII

Age: 18years and above. No upper age limit.




Intake : 40 (Including GOI Reservation)






Last date of submission of the application form

19th July, 2024

Personal Interview ( Online)

25th July, 2024

Declaration of Selection list with waiting list (On TISS website)

2nd August, 2024

Last Day of Fee payment

6th August, 2024

Last Date for completing the admission procedure for selected candidates

6th August, 2024

Date of Commencement of program

9th August, 2024




Youth form an integral part of any society, and are part and parcel of the development process. As per the Census data of India 2011, India is a young nation, The adolescent and the youth population constitute a critical segment of the Indian population as the future demographic, social, economic, and political development depends on them.


Till a decade back, youth was never a group which was taken seriously. Their issues were either combined with child welfare programmes [adolescents] or schemes and services for adults [work]. It is only in recent years that that they have been brought into focus and considered a group with specific needs and competencies by the state, policy makers, and civil society. Therefore, investing in them seems to be the best way to leverage the nation’s competitive advantage for reaping the benefits of the demographic dividend.


Who will benefit from this programme?

Youth workers who work with government, non-government, educational, and other organisations; provides support to young people throughout adolescence. Some youth leaders/workers who focus more on organising and running structured programs, while others having a less structured role perhaps focused on providing psychological support for a particular youth demographic (eg. unemployed youth, young offenders, homeless youth, etc.




Objectives and Learner Outcomes


Overall Objective: To provide certified training to youth workers, to promote the understanding and practice of social change through self-empowerment and development of leadership qualities.


Specific Objectives

1. Provide knowledge about youth issues and challenges, thereby contextualize these issues and challenges in contemporary India.

2. Develop analytical skills so that learners may begin the process of critically reflecting upon the institutions/policies/cultural beliefs that influence youth and their lives in the process of participating in social change.

3. Build leadership capacities of learners to empower youth to identify their rights and responsibilities and facilitate their participation in social, political, and cultural issues affecting them.

4. Equip the trainees with a range of practice skills required when intervening on issues of social change and development.


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the learners would be able to,


  • Utilize the learning experiences gained during the course, for their personal growth as leaders, for transformation and self-empowerment.

  • Be self-motivated and skilled to reach out to more youth to engage in social and

community work.

  • Apply the learnings to diverse social contexts and implement a range of strategies suitable in different environments (communitarian and organizational).

The above-mentioned learning outcomes will be developed in an academic curriculum which is based upon the following core values.

Core values: human dignity; social justice; non-violence; sustainability; democratic participation; equity; acceptance of diversity; practice of non-discrimination; people-centred;


The dimensions of wellbeing and participation will be addressed in relation to the diverse categories through which society views youth based on class, caste, religion, gender, ability, and location.



Duration and Pedagogy of the Course

Keeping in mind the principles of adult and lifelong learning, the Certificate will be a first step in the Certification process. It is proposed to bring in flexibility into system by allowing exit options.

The learner may join at the Diploma level and will have the option to exit after earning a 'Certificate degree' in one semester. The successful completion of a 2-semester programme would lead to the award of the Diploma.

Thus, the course will be offered in a ladder manner, from Certificate level to a Diploma.



Mode of delivery


Input Sessions- Online mode (Self-Paced)

Field Work & Project Work- Offline (It will be organized in their respective places)


Medium of Instruction: English

 Intake: 40 students


Distribution of Credit Hours:


List of Courses AND DISTRIBUTION of Credits

certificate programme in youth leadership And social change



Course Number

Course Title




Youth Identity and Human Development




Citizenship and Participation




Education and Livelihood




Core Leadership Skills for working with Youth




Participatory Teaching Methodology




Total Course Credits/hours





Field Practicum

6 credits/180hr.



Total Credits/ hours

20 Credits/600hr.



Requirement for a Certificate Programme is as below:


Theory/ Inputs = 14 credits /420hrs. (1 credit = 30hrs)


Field Practicum = 6 credits/240hrs. (1 credit = 30hrs)


20 credits/ 600 hours


Diploma programme in youth leadership and social change




Course Number

Course Title






Youth Gender and Sexuality




Youth and Crime




Youth and Health




Programmes, Policies, Schemes and Services for Youth




Research Methodology




Project Work

8 Credits/ 180hrs.








20 credits/600hrs


Total Number of Credits & hours = 20 credits & 600hrs (Certificate programme/Semester I)

20 credits & 600hrs (Diploma programme/Semester II)



Youth Leadership & Social Change = 40 Credits & 1200hrs


Semesterwise Courses:


Course Curriculum




YLSC I- Youth Identity and Human Development


This course gives an overview of the status of youth in India and the ecological systems influencing their development. It also looks at the issues in construction of youth-hood from the ecological perspective. The focus is on developing an ability to appraise and appreciate diversity while understanding individual developmental tasks.


Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner will, be able to,

  • Describe and explain the developmental paradigm in India in relation to youth.

  • To construct a holistic profile of Indian youthhood from the ecological / systems perspectives.

  • To acquire an insight into the critical developmental issues affecting youth and to discuss the influence of societal systems on youth.

  • To determine the psycho-social processes of identity formation during early adolescence (12-16years) and youthhood (17-20years).


Course Content


  • The National developmental paradigm in relation to youth: Demographic perspective, Diversity; caste, class, gender, ability, and region. Indian Scenario in Education, Employment and Livelihood, Sustainable Development Goal

  • Situational analysis of youth in India: Characteristics of youth based on location urban, rural, tribal; role: student, non-student, gender; class; caste; ability.

  • Youth culture: young people’s participation, understanding and meanings of subcultures, life- style, gender concerns

  • Social construction of Identity: The Ecological Perspective.

  • Human Development- Lifespan approach, different theories around human development.

  • Ecological and Individual challenges in Identity formation: Impact of family, peers, media technology and educational institutions, Erikson’s theory, systems of adolescence.

  • Education and career development: This could examine the role of education and career development in shaping identity and development, including topics such as vocational identity and career decision-making

  • Self-esteem and self-concept: This could cover the role of self-esteem and self-concept in shaping identity and development, including the impact of social comparison and media influences.

YLSC II - Citizenship and Participation

This course believes in the power of youth as leaders and mobilisers of change and focuses on their role in community building and collective action through voluntary initiatives. In this course, the student will learn about the significance of youth leadership and participation as a dimension of growth and development. The learner will be exposed to various civil society initiatives and movements using diverse methods of mobilization. The course will also introduce the learner to the constitutional mechanisms of participation enshrined in the three-tier system of Panchayati Raj.


Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner, will be able to,

  • Be convinced about the need for youth participation for self-growth, leadershipand contribution to society and social change.

  • To understand the skills and tools required for mobilising youth for social change.

  • Be exposed to civil society initiatives and movements and the strategies used.


Course Content

  • Concepts of citizenship and participation: political and social participation; roles and responsibilities as citizens, Indian polity, history, society, and cultural diversity,

  • Civil society initiatives and movements and strategies used.

  • Skills for mobilisation of groups and communities – awareness, advocacy, lobbying, networking, use of media; including social media.

  • Political engagement of youth: historical understanding of democratic politics in India, Democratic Institutions and Democracy at Grass Roots, Indian Perspective, Basic principles of Indian Constitution, Federalism, devolution of Power & Local Self- Govt. Institutions, Administrative structures, and Governance.


 YLSC III- Education and Livelihood

 In this course, the learner will be enabled to comprehend the various systems of learning, through the formal, non- formal, informal systems of education. They will study the significance of lifelong learning in today’s context. The course will also focus upon the significance of social & psychological dimensions of employment to a youth’s identity and well-being.

 Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner will be,

  • Familiar with the different educational patterns in India with an emphasis on Non-Formal Education Secondary and Higher Education.

  • Able to study the Social and economic factors which support/inhibit choices for youth in terms of nature and forms of work and the effects on youth identity, aspirations, life goals and well-being.

  • Able to explain the factors affecting unemployment and the social, & psychological impact of unemployment and underemployment.

Course Content

  • Concepts of learning, teaching, and education; purposes of education -knowledge, values, action.

  • Education in a democracy and as a tool for social change.

  • Types of learning: formal, non-formal and informal. The formal system of education in India. Vocational Education, Skill Development programmes, NSDC and Deen Dayal Grameen Kaushalya Yojana. Skill development initiatives of the Government of India.

  • Status of work and employment in India. Factors which influence the opportunities for youth work and the choices available to them - location, political, socio-cultural factors, Effect of caste and gender on work and social identity, on agriculture, poverty, and rural reconstruction.


YLSC IV- Core Leadership Skills for Working with Youth

This course believes in the power of youth as leaders and mobilisers of change and focuses on their role in community building and collective action through voluntary initiative. It focuses on the skills required for mobilisation of people at the local, community level and moving Forword towards large scale change.


The core leadership and people skills focused upon are for youth leadership at the community & public level.


Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner will, be able to,

  • Practice skills for working with youth at the individual, group and community levels.

  • Discuss the impact of leadership style on motivation.

  • Identify & determine the different strategies of leadership.

  • Describe the advantages of team work & co-operation.

  • Work on self and with others to remove barriers to team work and overcome resistance to change.

Course Content

  • Working with Groups & Teams: significance, types of groups. principles and techniques of group work. Group Dynamics.

  • Interventions in a community context: concept of a community; analysis of a community; community dynamics- leadership, power, control, politics of participation, role of youth groups, strategies for public leadership social barriers to change.

  • Leadership Styles: Transactional & Transformative.

  • Team work & Conflict Resolution.


YLSC V - Participatory Training Methodology for Social Development

This course would focus on skills related to facilitation and group empowerment. These would be specialized modules related to the thematic areas of the course. The modules would relate to life skills education which is based on the principle of lifelong learning.


Methodology: The skills will be taught through workshops which will be experiential in nature.


Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner, will be able to,

  • Develop and implement a programme for life skills education.

  • Be aware and gain beginning skills to use participatory training methods.

Course Content

  • Understanding the Participatory Training Approaches - Ideology of Participatory Training Methodology (PTM), Principles of Adult Learning - Concepts of Learning for Adults and Children- Andragogy and Pedagogy - Advantages and disadvantages of using PTM

  • Understanding the Training context: Training needs- What is Training Needs Analysis (TNA), method for conducting TNA - The learner: Learner Motivation- Needs and level of Learning, Profile of the learners, different styles of learning - The issue.: learning needs, needs of groups and communities

  • Designing and conducting a participatory training programme: Understanding the Training Cycle - Developing training design and developing session plan -Developing Training Objectives and session objectives, planning the content of the training and the processes to deliver these contents (selection of appropriate methods), sequencing of the contents, giving a time frame for the training

  • Developing the module, time schedule, planning the resources, logistics to deliver the trainings

  • Working with Groups: What is a group? Characteristics of a learning group. - Stages of group formation. Social dynamics in learning groups

  • Methods of Training: Ice breakers, Energizers, Lecture method, Brainstorming, Large Group discussion. Small Group discussion, Fish bowl Method, Role Play, Structured Exercises –

  • Facilitation: Role of the Facilitator - Skills and Characteristics of an Effective Facilitator - Challenges in the use of a participatory training approach.

  • Evaluation and follow up of the Training Programme: Significance of feedback and Evaluation - Method of evaluation: What and When to evaluate - Blocks to effective evaluation. Reporting and follow up.

Field Practicum

A distinctive feature of the certificate programme is the emphasis laid on the Field practicum. Field practicum enables the students to integrate and reinforce the knowledge acquired in the classroom with actual practice in the field under competent supervisor. It offers avenue to the students to test out what is learnt in the class, it’s a complete experiential learning process. These strategies focus on observations, reflections and developing insights, and aims to intervene and plan strategies in the practice area. Record writing is equally significant and emphasized.


The learner will be placed in community/ agency setting which engages in the class inputs provided.


Duration : 240 hrs

Weightage : 8 credits


Learners Objectives


At the end of the field practicum the learner will be able to;

  • Apply knowledge and skills obtained in the classroom based on ‘human rights framework” on making appropriate interventions.

  • To develop an understanding of the problems and opportunities in working with diverse populations and with youth population in particular

  • To develop the self-awareness necessary to assess one’s own values, attitudes, feelings, strengths, limitations, interests, performance, and leadership qualities.

  • Field Practicum: will consist of supervised placements of students in a variety of settings. A continuous performance assessment of student fieldwork will take place through learner recordings supervisory reports from the field supervisors.

There will be final evaluation of the learner’s performance guided by prescribed assessment tools.


YLSC VI -Youth Gender and Sexuality

This course is designed to prompt an exploration of common behaviours and attitudes towards sexuality and gender differences. It aims to improve the ability of participants to reduce gender inequalities at the personal, organisational and community level. The course also gives an understanding of how class, caste, sexual orientation, and gender intersect with each other to create social meaning and political impact.


Learner Objectives

At the end of this course, the learner, will be able to,

  • Identify the manifestations of patriarchy and consequences on gender inequity.

  • Be aware of the link between sexuality and violence, and be sensitive to the factors causing violence against women.

Course Content

  • Youth and sexuality: sexual development and experiences; Sexual preferences, variations, roles, power, exploration, sex education.

  • Sexuality: concepts of sex and sexuality; sexuality and violence; sexuality and power, class, caste.

  • Issues of rape, pornography, trafficking of female youth and initiatives to confront these.

  • Regulation of sexuality and reproduction by the State.: contraception, moral policing, consumerism

  • Working with women and feminist practice: principles of feminist practice;

  • Gender audit

  • Interventions with trans-genders, LGBT groups, women in prostitution.;

  • Civil society initiatives and movements

  • Legislation, policies, programmes, and schemes for women: CEDAW, Domestic Violence Act, Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the workplace Act. 2013 Amendments to Criminal Procedure Code related to Sexual Harassment in public spaces.


YLSC VII - Youth and Crime

This course aims to explore patterns of offenses committed by young people. It also tries to assess the interventions and institutions which have been developed to deal with youth crime. The course will also try to critically examine the criminal justice system existing in our country.

This course will attempt to familiarize the learners with the importance and relevance of crime prevention especially in the context of young offenders.


Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner will, be able to,

  • To explain crimes committed by young persons and the reasons for the same with reference to the context in India.

  • Define structure and functioning of the criminal justice system in India and comment upon correctional policies and programmes.

  • To reflect on the crime prevention strategies adopted for youth in the global and Indian context.

Course Content

  • Youth in conflict with law; youth in conflict areas

  • Concept of youth deviance; high risk behaviour

  • Criminal Justice System - The legal framework; Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, The system - police, prison, judiciary, and corrections. Rights of persons arrested. Issues and trends in Juvenile and Youth justice; issues and strategies in providing services to youth.

  • Crime prevention; relevance of crime prevention in context of globalization, combating cybercrimes, terrorism, drug trafficking, family, and community role in prevention.


YLSC VIII Youth and Health

This course will also familiarize the student with the health situation of youth in the country, and the major health issues facing the youth. The concept of health will include physical, mental, nutritional, and reproductive health.

Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner will, be able to,

  • Understand the concept of holistic health and need for healthy living.

  • Comprehend the various aspect of health- physical, mental, nutritional, reproductive health.

  • Understand concepts of deviance in relation to health and consequences such as crime, substance abuse.

Course Content:

  • Concept of health and disease; common illnesses of youth [anaemia; T.B.]; disability;

  • Nutrition and health: cause of malnutrition, measurements of positive health -BMI

  • Substance Use and Abuse: Understanding the risks associated with substance use and abuse, including alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, and learning strategies to prevent substance abuse and addiction

  • Introduction to reproductive health: maternal health, mortality and morbidity, reproductive rights; contraception; youth sexual and reproductive health behaviour and risks; issues related to adolescent health

  • Mental Health and Resilience: Understanding common mental health issues that affect young people, such as anxiety and depression, and learning strategies to promote resilience and mental well-being

  • Access to Health Care: Understanding the barriers that young people may face in accessing health care, and strategies to improve access to quality health care services.


YLSC I X - Programmes, Policies, Schemes and Services for Youth

This course will examine the various central and state policies designed specifically for youth. It will discuss the processes that lead to policy formulation. They will learn to analyse existing policies and factors that contribute to, or act as, barriers to the desired goals. The course will enlist and explain the schemes available for youth as a group and will also discuss the pragmatic issues involved in conducting youth programmes.


Learner Objectives

At the end of the course, the learner will, be able to,

  • Explain the process of policy formulation and background of select national & state policies.

  • Review the Policies for Youth in the country.

  • Have knowledge about the Government Schemes and flagship programmes for youth

Course Content

  • Social policy: Formulation: Process and challenges.

  • The Need and Relevance of a Youth Policy – Globally and Nationally.

  • National Youth Policy in India -its objectives, focus areas, and implementation

  • Relevant Legislation pertaining to youth – RTI & PIL

  • Government Flagship programmes and Schemes for youth: Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), National Youth Corps (NYC), National Programme for Adolescents Development (NPYAD), International cooperation (IC), Youth Hostels (YH), Assistance to Scouting & Guiding Organisations, National Young Leaders Programme (NYLP), National Discipline Scheme (NDS), National Service Scheme (NSS), Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD)


    YLSC X Introduction to Basic Research

    This course will provide basic understanding of Scientific Research, its need and ethical research practices. It will introduce them to the structured process involved in research, develop strong critical and analytical thinking.

    Learner Objectives

    At the end of the course module, the participants will be able to,

  • Appreciate the importance of research

  • Understand the process of research

  • Prepare literature review and design a research study

Course content

  • Research concepts: Meaning, purposes, approaches-qualitative and quantitative, fundamental skills for research; critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, research ethics

  • Types of Scientific Research; Exploratory research, Descriptive research, Explanatory research

  • Literature Review; Importance of Literature reviews in defining a Research Problem, identifying Gap areas from literature review,

  • Sources of Information, Library books, journals, periodicals, reviews, internet, Search engines: Online libraries, e-Books, institutional websites, etc.

  • Research Process; steps in carrying out research-identifying problem, designing proposal: sampling methods, tools for data collection, analysis plan


Project Work

This is an important component of the Youth Leadership and Empowerment- envisioning social change programme. The project work enables students to undertake three projects (of their choice) and one compulsory task, from the basket of suggested projects. It allows independent learning for students by working on the project’s activities in the field.

This component will develop their skills in organizing, basic research skills, critical thinking skills, analytical skills, and the expression of their own ideas. With appropriate facilitation and planning, project work will be made more meaningful where the students will carry out work independently or in groups and the outcome will be a knowledge production (Project Report) of working in any youth centric area.



Assessment Unit

Each course of study, credited or non-credited, taught or field related, or research study, will be assessed through the following assessment unit types with prescribed weightages, as per a pre-defined schedule, which is provided at the commencement of a semester. These may involve individual or group work:


(a) Assignments—which are held during the semester, conducted as individual or group assessments.

(b) Class presentations—individual or group which are held during the semester.

(c) Reflective journals or field diaries

(d) Reports or dissertations or productions

(e) Faculty assessment of class participation or field work, or process aspects of field work or dissertation/research.

(f) Written tests (open book, closed book, take home) conducted during or at the end of the semester

(g) Viva/oral test or examination

(h) Observation by faculty/supervisor

(i) Non-credited compulsory requirements of programmes require certificates of participation/completion and also include evaluative components, which may be mentioned in testimonials.

(j) No course has only one type of evaluation instrument. Each course has at least an assignment and end semester examination. The end semester examination weightage will not exceed 60% of the course.

(k) In general, the total number of assessment units will not exceed the number of credits of the course. For e.g. a two-credit course is assessed by two units of assessment—an assignment and an examination or two assignments or two tests.


Grading Scheme

A grade point of 4.0 is the minimum requirement for passing in Individual courses, including in fieldwork/ internship/research project. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 is required for passing in a Semester. Letter Grades and corresponding qualifying descriptions and grade point range are given below.


Letter Grade

Level of Performance/Competence

Grade Point Range


Outstanding Performance-demonstrating high-level mastery and ability to apply concepts to new situations

9.0 - 10.0


Excellent-demonstrating mastery of all learning or assessment situations

8.0 - 8.9


Very Good-demonstrating mastery of most learning or assessment situations

7.0 - 7.9


Good-demonstrating thorough competence in most situations

6.0 - 6.9


Moderate-showing reasonably acceptable competence in some situations, minimal competence in others

5.0 - 5.9


Average Competence-demonstrating minimal competence in most situations, while showing considerable capacity for improvement in others

4.0 - 4.9


Below Average Competence-Not passing, but still showing some capacity for improvement or development

3.0 - 3.9


Unsatisfactory Competence-Below satisfaction level performance marked by lack of engagement or inability to apply concepts

2.0 - 2.9


Highly Unsatisfactory Competence-Complete lack of engagement and comprehension; also, frequent absence

1.0 - 1.9


Unacceptable-Non-completion of assignments or blank responses in a test or blank answer sheets

0 - 0.9

Remarks in the Semester Grade Sheet

S1 - Supplementary – 1

S2 - Supplementary – 2

Re - Repeat Course / Fieldwork / Internship / Research Project

I - Improvement Examination

R - Re-evaluationAu - Audit

EC - Extra Credit

Semester Result Description

PP - Passed and Promoted (Passed in all courses, fieldwork/internship, and research project)

FS - Failed and allowed to keep Semester (that is, failed in up to two courses or 4 credits)

FR - Failed and Repeat Semester (that is, failed in 3 or more courses or more than 4 credits)


Fee Structure:



Online Diploma in YLSC


Tuition Fee

10,000 10,000

Examination Fees

1,000 1,000

Field Work / Internship / Experiential Learning Charges

500 500

IT Charges

2,000 2,000

Library Charges

1,500 1,500

Other Charges( ID Card, Convocation & Misc.)*

2,500 2,500

Students' Competency Fund

0 0

Lab/Studio Fund

0 0

Development Fund

2,500 2,500

Students' Union Fund*

0 0

Alumni Fund*

500 0

Health Care Fund*

0 0

Caution Deposit
(Refundable at the time of exit through NDC process

2,500 0

Semester wise Programme Fee

23,000 20,000

Yearly Fees


Total Programme Fee
