Master of Arts / Master of Science in Disaster Management | Admissions, TISS


Tata Institute of Social Sciences

PG Programmes

Programme Details

Master of Arts / Master of Science in Disaster Management

Location: Mumbai

School: Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies

Intake: 40


Disaster management is emerging globally as a field of study that deals with a range of risks and vulnerabilities that societies, nations, and communities have to understand and learn to cope with.  The expansion of the scope of the term disaster beyond its original definition, referring solely to natural hazards, has generated debates and discussions around the way cultures and societies understand the notion of a disaster.  Though disaster management began largely as a field of study in the practitioner's domain, disaster studies is now a discipline that combines theoretical perspectives and understanding with a range of skills and techniques that have become increasingly sophisticated.  The Master's Programme in Disaster Management is offered by the Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies (JTSDS) as a full-time taught programme with three specialisations that traverse multidisciplinary domains of the social construction of disasters, current developments in policy and action, and that of science and technology in the study of disasters.

The Master’s programme in Disaster Management, aims at enhancing knowledge, skills and perspectives on disasters. While enabling an understanding of disasters from the vantage point of science and technology in prediction, prevention, mitigation and response, the programme also fosters a critical appreciation of current approaches to development, disaster risk reduction, response and recovery, in relation to disasters. It seeks to locate these approaches within the framework of an understanding of the questions of development, especially through an analysis of globalisation, transboundary governance, state and civil society dynamics and conflicts of different kinds.

The programme flows from foundation and core courses to offering a specialisation thrust. It endeavours to cultivate appropriate values, a strong multidisciplinary knowledge base and skills essential for research and intervention in disasters. Students will have the opportunity to develop expertise in one area of specialisation.  This two-year programme includes intensive contact classes, research, supervised field work and internships. A twelve-credit research dissertation is a compulsory component of the Master's programme.

The programme also offers a multi-level entry–exit option where a student coming for the Master's degree can exit by obtaining a Certificate in Disaster Management on completion of the stipulated requirements of the first semester. Students who wish to continue through with the next semester would obtain a Diploma (on completion of two semesters) towards the end of the first year, and the Master's (four semesters) degree towards the end of two years. Alternatively, a Master's student on completion of the Certificate/Diploma programme could come back after a break (not exceeding 4 years from the date of admission to the programme), and join in for the third / fourth semester and complete the Masters’ programme.

As an emerging field, the need for qualified personnel within disaster management and disaster studies is high. Students who graduate with this degree will find opportunities in the disaster risk reduction and disaster management programmes, and allied developmental sectors, in government, non-government organisations and consultancy firms. They could also go on to pursue research, training and teaching careers in disaster studies and allied disciplines.

Programme Objectives

  1. To create a cadre of professionals with multidisciplinary knowledge, skills and perspectives related to disasters.
  2. To enable a broader understanding of disasters as related to issues of development and environmental sustainability with an analysis of current debates around these areas
  3. To enable a critical reflection around disasters and their intersection with science and technology in prediction, mitigation and response.
  4. To create a cadre of professionals with an ability to engage in vulnerability analysis and participate in governance and policy processes for disaster risk reduction and resilience building at various levels.
  5. To cultivate appropriate values, engage in research and enhance the knowledge base in disaster studies

Programme Outcomes

Disasters have become an everyday reality, and hence, the academic programme continuously engages with the changing context of risk and uncertainty, to achieve the following programme outcomes:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the academic field of disaster studies and its allied disciplines such as emergency/crisis management, climate change, and sustainability.
  • Possess procedural knowledge that creates the cadre of professionals for academia, corporate, government, community, social movements, international/national/local organisations and institutions.
  • Demonstrate skills required for active engagement with the current and emerging disaster management sectors starting from the grassroots to that of the global scale.
  • Demonstrates knowledge, understanding and skills required for identifying emerging problems, challenges and issues pertaining to disasters and its management, that transcend disciplinary boundaries.
  • Able to conceptualise pertinent research on disaster and its management using various approaches/methodologies, draw data from a wide range of sources/tools, analyse and interpret appropriately, and formulate evidence-informed solutions and arguments.
  • Address one’s own learning needs related to emerging knowledge frontiers in disaster by using appropriate research, development and professional materials.
  • Demonstrate relevant generic skills and global competencies such as: problem solving, communication, critical thinking, interpersonal relations, professional and ethical integrity, project management, community engagement, capacity building, negotiating sectoral challenges, contextualising policy and praxis.
  • Honor diversity and inclusion in all endeavors by upholding values of rights and dignity of all individuals and groups.

Semesterwise Courses:



Course Code

Course Category

Course Title




Foundation Elective

Foundation Courses



Core Course

Earth System Science and Hazards



Core Course

Disasters, Vulnerability and Risk



Core Course

Introduction to Ecosystem, Habitat and Sustainability



Core Course

Policy, Institutions, Governance and Disaster Management



Core Course

Research Methodology I



Skill-enhancement  Course

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS



Skill-enhancement  Course

Emergency Response and Management



Internship and Field Work

Field Work



Value Added Course

Group Lab Sessions/Simulation Exercises

(compulsory non-credited)

30 hrs


Research Course

Research Tutorial

(Credited as part of Research Dissertation)

15 hrs

Semester-I Credits




Skill-enhancement  Course

Satellite Image Processing and Analyses



Core Course

Disaster Risk Reduction and Development Planning



Core Course

Disaster Recovery



Core course

Research Methodology II


MDM 514

Core Course

Conflicts and Disaster



Skill-enhancement  Course

Technology in Approaches to Disaster Management



Field Practicum

Field Practicum



Value-based Course

Group A



Value-based Course

Group B



Research Course

Research Tutorial (Credited as part of Research Dissertation)

15 hrs

Semester-II Credits




Core Course

Disasters and Development



Core Course

Public Health and Mental Health in Disasters



Core Course

Economics of Disasters and Disaster Finance



Core Course

Transboundary Governance and Humanitarian Action



Research Course

Research Tutorial (Credited as part of Research Dissertation)

15 hrs



*Specialisation Courses


Semester-III Credits



MDM 521

Internship and Field Work

Internship I



Research Course

Research Dissertation


MDM 523

Skill-enhancement  Course

Project Management in Disaster Contexts




Optional Block Internship


Semester- IV Credits


Total Credits (Semester I + II + III + IV)


 *Three Specialisations: 12 credits each

Fee Structure:

Components MA./M.Sc. In Disaster Management
Fees Sem I Sem II
Sem III Sem IV
FEE Tuition Fee 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
Examination Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Field Education / Internship / Experiential Learning Charges 6,000 0 0 0
IT Charges 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Library Charges 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Other Charges( ID Card, Convocation & Misc.) * 2,500 0 0 0
FUNDS Students' Competency Fund 0 7,000 7,000 0
Lab / Studio Fund 6,000 0 0 0
Development Fund 10,000 0 10,000 0
Students' Union Fund * 500 500 500 500
Alumni Fund * 0 500 0 0
Health Care Fund* 2,000 0 2,000 0
DEPOSITS Caution Deposits (Refundable at the time of exit from programme on submission of No Dues Certificate) 10,000 0    
  Semester wise Course Fee 57,500 28,500 40,000 21,000
  Yearly Fees 86,000 61,000
  Total Course Fee 1,47,000
Institute reserves the right to revise the Fee Structure of programmes if necessary.
Expenses related to Practicum / Study tour / Rural field work / Urban field work/Winter Institute, if any, will have to be met by the students themselves at the time of the activity.
No fee concession is available for self-finanaced programmes.


*Institute reserves the rights to revise the Fees Structure of programme if necessary.