Master of Arts in Social Work (Disability Studies & Action) | Admissions, TISS


Tata Institute of Social Sciences

PG Programmes

Programme Details

Master of Arts in Social Work (Disability Studies & Action)

Location: Mumbai

School: School of Social Work - Mumbai Campus

Centre: Centre for Disability Studies and Action

Intake: 20


The M.A. Social Work in Disability Studies and Action enables students to understand that disability is socially constructed and find explanations for disablement within the context of a person’s life, rather than within the individuals themselves. Rehabilitation conducted within a comprehensive social framework is not only about the removal of barriers at the individual level, it is also about the removal of physical and attitudinal barriers in society at large. It includes not only engaging with persons with disabilities but also engaging with the community and other systems of society to create more enabling and inclusive environments so that their complete integration into mainstream society is possible.

The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), an autonomous central organization under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, has mandated that all social workers who are working in the field of disability rehabilitation, undergo certification in Rehabilitation Social Work or acquire a credited degree in Disability Rehabilitation Social Work. RCI recognises Rehabilitation Social Workers as professionals in the field of disability rehabilitation.  Given this mandate, the M.A. Social Work in Disability Studies and Action is being offered to create a cadre of professional social workers, with competency in empowering people with disabilities and all other stakeholders with regard to this issue. The programme provides immense wide-ranging career opportunities for students with diverse interests including government institutions, non-government organizations, hospitals, and research-based organizations.

Programme Objectives

  1. To be exposed to various perspectives in understanding disability, persons with disability and their families within their varied contexts and environments.
  2. To apprehend, critique, and analyze the complexities of the social realities of the field of disability, persons with disability and their families, and the range of related issues in their systemic and structural contexts.
  3. To learn to be self-aware, to innovate, and to evolve an anti-oppressive, empowerment-based micro and macro partnership practice for working with, through, and for people with disability and various stakeholders. 

Programme Outcomes

The Center for Disability Studies and Action launched an MA in Social Work specializing in Disability Studies and Action in 2008 with the first batch graduating in 2010. Since then, 14 batches have graduated, and the 15th and 16th batches are currently ongoing.

Graduates of this programme are equipped to work with persons with all types of disabilities in various settings such as hospitals, clinics, early identification and intervention centres, schools, institutions, communities, funding agencies, inclusive settings of all types and policy and research-based organisations at the government, non-government and international levels. This programme trains students to identify and work with persons with disabilities and concerned stakeholders. It also provides them with a holistic understanding of disability management, care and rehabilitation at both individual and community levels.

Courses such as Persons with Disability and their Rehabilitation Contexts and Gender Dimensions of Disability have equipped the students to identify and work with persons with disability and the concerned stakeholders. As rehabilitation social workers, graduates have the capacity to engage in work with individuals, groups, families and communities, forming self- help groups and various other support groups of persons with disability and families. They are also trained in counselling skills to address these needs of persons with disabilities as well as their families. The skill sets of our graduates also include aspects related to planning, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of various programmes and projects of disability organisations. Through in-class activities and their engagement with the field, students are trained to conduct awareness and sensitization programmes with different stakeholders such as students, teachers, parents, persons with disabilities in both rural and urban communities. They are also capable of working at the policy level as they have been trained about laws and policies at the national and international levels so as to engage in advocacy related activities.

Field work placements allow students to gain exposure to persons with different types of disabilities. They are placed in a range of settings including institutional and non- institutional as well as open rural and urban community settings. In addition, students have opportunities to learn about Community Based Rehabilitation through the process of a study tour and also have the opportunity to contribute towards community-based rehabilitation projects of organizations across the country through their rural practicum.

Today we have our alumni spread all over the country and abroad. They are working with a range of organizations including government at the state and central levels as well as with flagship programmes of the government such as NRLM and NRHM, non- government and international organizations, organizations working primarily in the area of disability and others where our alumni are spearheading work on persons with disability to include them in the areas of work related to health, education, livelihoods etc. A few of our alumni have also started their own initiatives with regard to working with persons with disability. Still others have gone for higher studies and are contributing to the field through research and other academic pursuits.

Distribution of Credit Hours:



Semesterwise Courses:

Course Code

Course Title




Foundation Courses


SW 01

History and Perspectives of Social Work


SW 02

Social Work Practice with Individuals


SW 03

Social Work Practice with Groups


SW 05

Research Methods I


DSA 01

Theoretical Perspectives and their Application to Disability Rehabilitation Social Work


DSA 2.1

Persons with Disability and their Rehabilitation Contexts


FW 01





Open Elective Course (CBCS)*



Open Elective Course (CBCS)*


SW 04

Community Organisation


SW 06

Social Welfare Administration


SW 07

Critical Perspectives on Social Work: Introduction to Social Theories


SW 08

Research Methods II


DSA 2.2

Persons with Disability and their Rehabilitation Contexts


IKS 01



FW 01




SW 09

Social Policy and Planning



Human Rights, Social Policies, and Law


DSA 4.1

Skills of Counselling: Individuals, Group & Families - 1



The Gender Dimensions of Disability



Community Interventions in the Rural Context


IKS 02







DSA 4.2

Skills of Counselling: Individuals, Group & Families - 2



Building Disability Awareness for Action



Research Project


FW 02



DE 01

Disciplinary Elective Course (CBCS)


DE 02

Disciplinary Elective Course (CBCS)


Total Credits



Fee Structure:

Components DSA
Fees Sem I Sem II
Sem III Sem IV
FEE Tuition Fee 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
Examination Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Field Education / Internship / Experiential Learning Charges 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
IT Charges 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Library Charges 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Other Charges( ID Card, Convocation & Misc.) * 2,500 0 0 0
FUNDS Students' Competency Fund 0 0 0 0
Lab / Studio Fund 0 0 0 0
Development Fund 10,000 0 10,000 0
Students' Union Fund * 500 500 500 500
Alumni Fund * 0 500 0 0
Health Care Fund* 2,000 0 2,000 0
DEPOSITS Caution Deposits (Refundable at the time of exit from programme on submission of No Dues Certificate) 10,000 0    
  Semester wise Course Fee 52,500 28,500 40,000 28,000
  Yearly Fees 81,000 68,000
  Total Course Fee 1,49,000
Institute reserves the right to revise the Fee Structure of programmes if necessary.
Expenses related to Practicum / Study tour / Rural field work / Urban field work/Winter Institute, if any, will have to be met by the students themselves at the time of the activity.
No fee concession is available for self-finanaced programmes.


*Institute reserves the rights to revise the Fees Structure of programme if necessary.